
where are the OGRES???

berserkerIL 8 years ago updated by Rezoner1337 8 years ago 14

ok Rez you promise ogres but i played few hours today in the fort and i didnt saw even 1 ogre

SO.....   where are they are they hiding

if they afraid tell them i just want to slay them so they have no reason to be scared.... oh wait they have HAHAHAHA...

but now for real what happend to them why i cant find them



Fixed. The ogres were not respawning.

you can find them always in fresh servers.. witch we do with spag, and some of my members. like 17 times.. i will post the video later...

 haven't seen a single ogre either

Haven't seen a single ogre in ASIA Server ....

Under review

I will look into that, maybe they dont respawn


they dont, they just apear on fresh servers...

I have only seen yetis

I havent seen ogres in the europe server,but i have seen them in the north america server

Yetis don't respawn naturally. You can fight with them only when someone summon them.

who and how people can summon yeties??

Rezoner using magic!

they do since yesterday :p


Fixed. The ogres were not respawning.

i killed 4 ogres in 1v1 in almost empty room [if somebody asks if its possible to solo kill an ogre]