Your comments

The scaling update does not affect GUI. It's related to in-game camera.

edit: ok now I got it ctrl + - still works. ;s

I think I have fixed it (spam kick after fall). Need confirmation

I will work on the mage hat and wand when I am done with guilds I think.
It will be experimental tho as I am not sure how will ranged hero affect the game.
I have never reached Patreon goal so I am not obligued to add any mages at all (90% of pledges were fake)

Hi mate, sorry if that happened - please send me your email using private ticket. Just like you posted this message but click private tab.

Yes this is planned.

The mage as a whole new character is not coming BUT - the same as for Zerk - one of the weapons will add a fireball skill. Of course it will be removed if it breaks the balance - as this is all meele game.

not necessarily consecutively.

Ok, Fixed that part.