Beta available there -> http://beta.wilds.io
Comment on what you like or don't like in the new version.
Major changes:
* Proper Maps with walls and traps
* Items are held in barrels and crates
* Shop with alternative skins (helmets and weapons)
* You can collect 100 gold daily - or buy a bunch of coins in the shop
* All new animations
* Long jump (run + jump)
* Much faster gameplay
I will soon post a roadmap with what's coming next for the game.
-- updates --
% Fixed insta death caused by hitting the wall
% You can kick again
- Kick wins against roll (2 damage) + fall
- Kick wins against block (1 damage)
- Kick wins against idle (1 damage) + fall
% Fixed bug that let you jumping forever

Sorry, my english, I'm Brazilian.
Pvp of the normal version is much better

change the maps but not the look of the players and there attacks. apart from that great job.

You messed up all the good stuff about your game and added things nobody wanted. Scrap your beta and improve the one that people are already enjoying. Add more classes, more items and more map features - don't remake the game.
I know you probably spent a lot of time on the new beta, but consider it a lesson learned.
- another developer

i would recommend making the sand worm larger. still i cant believe one of my ideas has been included in the game. also its annoying flipping into walls and taking damage.i would recommend making it so he sticks his leg out and bounces of the wall on to other enemys.

also preferred old size of players and the animations. may seem similar to you but i bet there are tons of other players would agree that they just are not quite right.

Personally, I love how the beta's combat style is much more "passive": it's harder to chain together combos, so the game is much more strategy and mindgames-based rather than click-faster-than-the-other-guy. However, I would like the gremlins and perhaps other NPC enemies to be added that give items, as the crate system doesn't seem quite right.
Another idea: Instead of adding new characters, have people find temporary weapons/equipment besides consumables in hard-to-reach places or in the possession of powerful NPCs. This equipment would stay with them until they die, and would offer different, though not necessarily more powerful, play styles to the standard weapons. I say this because the crates seem to offer you too many consumables and it seems like such a waste to collect them when you can only hold one or watch them despawn. Maybe collecting consumables you already have would yield a separate currency used to buy these items from a shop while your'e waiting to respawn.
Finally: I would scrap the six-health-apiece method, and instead have a solid percentage-ring-wheel around the character. You can keep all the damage values the same or almost the same for now, but I say this because adding new features and making them different enough will be difficult with such a constraining health system. Also, using this method, you can dial down out-of-combat damage like running into walls, maybe down to 10%.
I really feel that some or all of these changes would drastically improve the game. I look forwatd to your feedback.
(also the beta is down :( )
jk I don't care about that keep it.

OK, I know I just wrote a really long post, but I want to add one more thing. I LOVE the mix of open-area combat and mazelike corridors. While the wall mechanics need polishing, I feel tight hallways, junctions, and rooms would really add some nice flavor to the game. Like I said earlier, adding an array of hostile NPCs, diverse traps, and glorious treasure items would really help the dungeon-diving atmosphere.
Maybe new maps would have different cosmetic themes, or different goals? For this Beta map, it seems the goal is to seize the treasure room at the end of the parkour bit and defend it from the enemy team, as whoever controls the treasure room usually has score advantage. Maybe have a map where each team controls a castle, and they launch invasions across a battle-torn no man's land to the other team's fort? Or maybe a small village that two factions fight to control, through the streets, houses, and marketplace? Or maybe a maze of underground mining corridors that hold precious gems worth dying for? Like I said earlier, the item system could use expanding: You could add different consumables along with new more permanent equipment, like different weapons, shields, and magic items that each offer a unique playstyle. I feel this option would be better than having new characters; it would require less work on your part and, once implemented, would be easy to expand to whatever new items you want.

Just wanna let you know developer I ABSOLUTELY LOVE THE GAME. I like your pixel design I think this game is very cool aswell it has A WHOLE LOAD OF POTENTIAL.

Update kills it. I don't like any of the new changes, and I miss the old format. I'm out.

Ugh. It's buggy as hell and nowhere near as fun as the original. The animations aren't even as good. I don't understand why you'd spend so much time creating an entirely new game while removing everything that made the original fun, let alone actually stop people from playing the game they like.
It doesn't matter how much of a game design genius you are if you don't listen to your users. They know better than you. So here's one more who isn't playing anymore.

I sort of agree with the above. I still like the new version but its so different i would still like to have the old one as well. Maybe you could merge the two. The old versions heroes are easer to control and seem faster and more maneuverable. This may seem like your making the players to O.P but if every ones special then no ones special. Also add the goblins to. Rocks and boulders should be re added and the players size should be reduced a little. You should be able to get at least 2 times the size of how you started when you level up.
Walls blend in with the ground to much so make them more stone colored. Like Grey or mossy green. Also something i think would up the game is a thin sheet of sand blowing across the desert. This would not effect the players but would make the game look so much better. The walls around the edge of the map should be replaced by cliffs to giving the game a sort of arena feel like you've been thrown into a pit with lots of hostile players trying to kill you. The worms are great but they would look better if they were larger. and perhaps make them killable so if you don't keep the population down then there will be like 5 giant bloodthirsty sand worms creeping around the map. They should have lots of health of coarse.
The falling is not quite right. I think you should take some damage and then you can climb out of the pit. What i am saying is you could run around in the pit and battle monsters on them. Whirl pools should be added to. They were great fun. Also more new npc monsters would vastly improve the game.
The new version is great it just needs spicing up and changed a little to impress the old players who were in love with the old version. Of coarse i am not saying you have to add this all and i understand that it must take you ages to make this game. I my self do some programing and its not easy. It must have taken you ages to make the new version. To have it thrown back in your face by some person from the other side of the world would be very non encouraging. still please take into mind some of these ideas.
Thanks for reading.

Well, im still getting used to the new mechanics. Yet I have two requests and two ideas.
Request 1: add volume control, please.
R2: bring back football (?)
Idea 1: when hitting walls, player should get damage without falling down.
I2: about holes, maybe instead of dying and losing loot all at once, you could make a two step mechanic, or even a three step one: a-losing all your loot. b*-getting damage. (*b could be subdivided in b1-lowering hp to 1 point, b2-down to zero hp.) This means: if player carries any object, when falling down s/he only loses them without lowering hp; if player carries no object and has more than 1 hp points, players health goes down to 1; if players has no loot and 1 hp, dies.
After an a or a b1 fall, the player could perform a sort of mid-air jump in the opposite direction s/he was going to (to get back to the ground s/he was standing at before) or it could be in the same direction, so to reach a new point (that could be safe ground or another hole and chain falling.)

you just updated it recently. its great. you can get larger again and start smaller. goblins are back on. i just have 4 simple recommendations to make it better.
first the red head is alright. but i think when you play as a guest you should get a random hair color from red to black to brown or even blond. and give him random names to. guest is not the most fantasy suiting name. perhaps a chance of having a beard ?
second is the goblins. its great that you re added them but some of them are huge and they take 2 hits to kill. when your out in the desert alone you have a huge chance of dieing because of them. intact i got killed by 4 large goblins coming at me form 4 angles. it was impossible to stop them. as soon as i stand up the next comes and knocks me over again. i think you should make them all small. with a tiny chance of being an orc. orcs would be larger slower and would have 5 health. they would have swords and would attack you without knocking you over. goblins should be reverted to 1 health.
goblin A.I is terrible. goblins A.I was great before the new version. but because of the walls goblins get stuck in them and when coming around for the next attack they run into the walls. my recommendation is to have them start turning around when they get so close to the wall before they hit it.
last of all is the indoors. you need monsters for inside like a gelatinous cube which makes its way around the hallways usually blocking the entire path when hit it could swap direction. when a player runs into it he would get sucked in for 10 seconds before getting spat out onto the floor and taking 2 damage. a beholder could be in the room across the parkour area. it would try stay away from players and cast spells from a distance. it could have an spell attack which deals 3 damage and knocks over enemies and could have 23 health. when killed it could come back after 1 minute and could release lots of coins when it dies.

I used to play it daily and enjoyed so much. I liked the whole attack system, defence and quick conquer. That was something. Now everyone just clicking LMB and thats it. Whats the point of fighting now? Also character looks so much worse. What the hell. I am still checking this game with hope that things will go back to normal.
Developer should bring back old version. Maybe add some walls/labyrints to the old map for more fun. Eventually also add new classes and thats it.
Game is ruined.

At first I was also against this new version. But, after some improvements, I really enjoy it.
However, some features still require a bit of work, also some cool stuff can be added:
1) Problem with hitboxes - they are now better than in the beginning, but still not as good as in alpha version, especially there is some huge issue in case of goblins
2) I find these changes in combat mechanics as misleading for old players. I personally don't like them, since I can't perform as great hit-chains as before. I can forgive that, since your mind was to stop some (so called "pro") players to do such and therefore make this game more enjoyable for new ones. However, since kick can't be blocked, some people can just kick-spam their opponents, and this is somewhat a bad change.
3) 2 hp for goblins is too much. Maybe you should consider an idea of some uber-goblins with low spawn rate, instead of changing hp of smaller ones.
4) Sprites for characters should be improved, because now their colours don't fit to new background. Because the background has some purple-violet hue, the exact same hue (probably as shading) should be present on characters. I used to do a lot of pixel art before, so I know what I'm saying ;)
5) 100 coin limit is a bit low. People are now leaving the game after about 30 minutes (or something like that), because they have grinded everything they could (I can reach the limit just vithin 15 minutes). People love to grind coins and other resources in MMO games, this is all these games are about - grinding resources and buying funny stuff with them. Try 500-1000 limit instead, and add some really expensive (and really cool too) items to the store! (This will keep them trapped in game for hours :D)
Since you've added these viking-like shields, you can give people some colored ones, for example something like this:
This should be easy to implement, and you can make lots of them really fast. Price can vary form 2000 coins (for regular) to even 100-200k coins for some epic-looking ones.
Also, you can add some very expensive skins, which in practice will be available only by buying coins with real money. There used to be a MMO game called FantasyOnline (Armorgames platform), where lots of people were buying outfits for horrific amounts of money (hundreds of dollars...). Everything just to look like a panda bear with a sword, seriously, not kidding...
This will require a lot of work tho. Probably you will have do some sprites remodelling, because these "outfits" will have to be something really original and cool. You may consider this as an possible income source.
6) Please, bring back the football!
7) Worms can be bigger, but this is not an issue.
8) Allow us to chose the server from list.
9) Knives still can penetrate walls!
Sorry for long post. I hope that you will find my suggestions helpful.
I also like werewolfs idea of changeable hair color/styles.
Let us personalize our characters (of course within some reasonable range):
- skin tone and hair color - for free,
- hair styles, facial hair/beard - for coins.

10) Walls need to be fixed, I just got killed by worm when I was inside of the building

Fix the money to last one day and is still at 100 now I can not take the coins because it does not serve me fix it

It's working fine. Your last gold cap reset was 22 hours ago. You need to wait until it is full 24 hours to reset.


Closing the thread,
The old version is not coming back. I have brought the old map and copied speeds from the old wilds. The kick is not breaking the shield. Complaining that it's totally different than the old version is simply scientifically inaccurate. Sure there are some minor changes - like rolling is now shorter distance - but these are changes I would apply anyway.
From my perspective (analytics/statistics) - I have rescued a dying game.

I used to hate on the new version, but now that we have the old map and that the game mechanics are really similar to the old wilds (if not identical, except for dashing and axe throwing) I have nothing to complain about. Moreover, I like it that roll is shorter. It feels faster and smoother. Dashing and axe throwing add a nice flavour to the game.
Customer support service by UserEcho
Closing the thread,
The old version is not coming back. I have brought the old map and copied speeds from the old wilds. The kick is not breaking the shield. Complaining that it's totally different than the old version is simply scientifically inaccurate. Sure there are some minor changes - like rolling is now shorter distance - but these are changes I would apply anyway.
From my perspective (analytics/statistics) - I have rescued a dying game.