
Let's work on dash mechanics (double WSAD)

Rezoner1337 8 years ago updated 8 years ago 20

I have added a dash (double tap WSAD). Currently you can dash once every 5 seconds.
While I like the effect and triggering it - I do not find it very useful. What are your thoughts, maybe it is just me? How can we improve dashing?



I am closing the topic. I can see dash being used a lot - especially in the Arena and I find it a good addition to the mechanics so it stays. Let's move on. :)


It's cool and i think i it can stay, but still glitchy for right now. You can pass wall with it.


Works good in close combat!

I think it's good, but the dashing right through walls should get fixed. I think the cooldown system is clunky, maybe it can use up 25% of run stamina, and have a shorter cooldown (1 second?). Dashing through your enemy to get behind them seems a pretty good use.

This brings up a few larger ideas I have as to where the game is going. I feel like the normal attack, while a vast improvement from the earlier version, is still too fast and spammy. In my opinion, Attack should be reworked to a much slower gesture, so that the meta isn't "try to get your opponent to attack you while blocking". Because attacks come rapidly, a dash is devalued because you can't make something useful of it if your opponent misses. While the attack is slower, this would make way for something like kick or roll to take the place as a quicker, more flexible alternative to a slower, more powerful attack.

Another final change: Fix 360% blocking. I think it's dumb that someone can face opposite you and successfully block a knife that you throw. Maybe this would go hand-in-hand with fixing the attacking-through-walls problem, I don't know.

I want to wrap up with my declaration that I love the way this game is going, and you're doing great work with it. Keep it up!


Agree with most of the stuff, except the 360 blocking thing. It is really useful against hordes of enemies.


But it's broken, and if you're facing hordes of enemies, they should be able to beat you easily. Flanking is an advanced tactic, using dash to do so is especially a high-skilled maneuver, someone agile enough to do this should be rewarded.


Weapon Throw Ability: good, but needs to deal 5 or 6 damage as opposed to 4. Otherwise, it's almost never worth not being able to use ordinary attack for 15 seconds.

I think is not usefull.And even when the wall bug is fixed if i dash and take a hit the same time you travel like a huge distance.


Dash + block could be a good shield bash move! Animation is ready, just make this combo to deal 1 dmg or something like that.

As you requested - it does that :)


Are you kidding? The dash is the best addition yet! It allows players to magically warp through walls. Definitely keep the dash. If you're in the mood to remove something, remove the worm. I mean, worms aren't even carnivorous, am I right?

Ok sure it's really fun but needs adjustments... I just travveled with like the speed of light

with some other guys in Ruins

Wall bug fixed


Could you change the hotkey for triggering the dash? I find that I accidentally trigger it and/or dash in a different direction I want.

It's good in 1v1s, but not really in team fights in my opinion. Cooldown system is clunky, should just take up a chunk or 2 chunks of stamina as someone else mentioned. However, it seems it is triggered by 1 WASD key being pressed twice in a period of time, not necessarily consecutively. Because of this, moving back and forth rapidly always triggers dash, and it ruins the technique I use to pych my opponent(s) out. Please fix this.

Under review
not necessarily consecutively.

Ok, Fixed that part.

now dash is triggered randomly during the walk...


Awesome improvement! I don't have that key problem others claim.
Though: is it possible to add some visual information about when it can be used again? I find myself wasting my attention in trying to dash when I still can't do it.


I am closing the topic. I can see dash being used a lot - especially in the Arena and I find it a good addition to the mechanics so it stays. Let's move on. :)