Your comments

Was it ever about anything else than killing whatever that moves :P ?


Bot's are there only to fill missing players.
With the next update I will nerf their combat response as well as numbers.
Bot's should not be an issue in a game where there are enough players - unless I messed up the logic :)

The score is not capped at 200 :) I just brought back top players to 200 and reworked the formula. (+10 win / - 10 loose) It's pretty much like football now except top players will not have much opponents to play with and that should prevent happily evergrowing score.

I need confirmation that the problem is no more.

It restarts from time to time. Don't panic give it 5 minutes and it will get up

Don't take it as a promise but I am protoyping an adventure mode based on a game called Moonstone. Basically you have a map and spawn points that you can visit

Haven't noticed that - will fix.