Your comments

Declined due to negative community response :)

Closing the issue because it doesn't say what's the context of hacking as in - what do they hack? Are they immortal?

I am working on something like a global map where you travel and can visit various places with friends or alone which pretty much adhere to this idea - however it's SO MUCH work that I cannot promise it will be released - I am still prototyping it.

What's the reason to have windows then :) ?

I think there will be reocurring reset that will leave you 10% of your score so you are somehow rewarded for the race.

.... I wrote MRR instead of MMR in code. Fixed.

"The error displaying the ranks during the game".

In every mode? And do you mean the ranks above the head?

The problem with K/D is that after a while each kill / death become meaningless to the overall ratio like 4000 / 3500 is not as easily affected by further numbers as let's say 10 / 15

Solution would be to store K/D with dates and pick just last 100 but that's a killer for database.

Above all kills (ruins score) is not for competitive pro players - it's just for casuals so they can advance so I don't really want to put much pressure on it.

1. Why is my rank displayed in the statistics?

What statistics mate?

2. Why can't I see rank for the murder in the game?

In the game or in the leaderboards - or both?

I thought it will be frustrating for players if the stats were reset weekly.

I think we should vote on that. Maybe that stats would drop by some % each week.

Can you make a screenshot of the place where you can go through wall?

How about GOAL results in:
+1 for all in your team
-1 for all in opposite team