Your comments

Ok so I consider it fixed. Feel free to open the topic back.

Allright I will make sandworms killable - although it will not be the highest priority task. I will let you know when this is ready - tho I will not tell you how to kill them exactly so you can have fun discovering it.

Thanks. I am always intrested in what is frustrating for relatively new players.

1) I will think about how can I allow keys customization. It's really hard to tackle as the game controls are more complex than just pressing keys.

2) I will outline the character.

3) If your block was successful you dont have to wait for the animation to end, you can launch the attack right away. It's called counter attack and is one of the most crucial mechanics in combat. I may add visual cue for that. I will also check if it works. Also you can cancel block animation by performing a roll - and you can cal roll with kick.

4) With next big update spamming attacks should decrease a lot as players will be able to launch more powerful attacks if they hold the button for a while.

5) The players stuck doing one and one thing only are bots ... I have to improve their pathfinding... just kill them with mines for now :)

I have all of these in mind - I will only comment on sandworms for now:

> Sand worms sometimes have a tendency to eat before it falls into the hole.

There are no sandworms in the pit - the mechanics is exactly like it was - the only difference is that instead of playing fall down animation - I play sandworm attack there - but there is no real sandworm, it's just a sprite :)

Exactly as Tytanowy said - and the thing with unpopular modes is that - not only that they are unpopular and not being played - but they also drain newcommers and players from other game modes lowering the statistics and number of players coming back to play the game as a whole.

Pushed the update - let's see if it helps. Need confirmation.

I think we need to vote reverting it back to previous state :)

Is there something I have to do to enable the wall glitch? I can't go pass the door as opposite team.

I terribly need more comments there.

Personally I find kick is well balanced (considering it can kick back projectiles) - tho it's a rather mysterious move for new players who just see it as a weaker and slower attack. I quite succumb to idea of increasing it's damage tho.

Separate servers are rather out of reach - because we don't have that many players BUT there is something that I want to implement. Basically the chat should be split int GLOBAL (english) and NATIVE (ex. Spanish, Russian) language - you can switch between them.

Because all in all it's communication not gameplay matter - as it doesn't matter if you have been smashed by Russian or Spanish axe :D