Your comments

We are changing theme to POST APOCALYPTIC ;D

Have you tried clicking them?

Spawn rooms will have doors that can be passed only by team of certain color

Yes I think we can. We already have horizontal and vertical attack - I just play them at random. So I can play them in a fixed order - not sure if horizontal and vertical attacks are distinguishable at the moment tho.

Repaired. Whomever wants to have their score reduced let me know - otherwise I find it ok if you want to keep it - you will have it harder to find an opponent. Anyway I will soon introduce score reduction over time so it will not be possible to avoid arena and keep score.

Yes exactly if it's 2 : 3 team B gains 1 score - team A looses 1

The guild system will be totally separated from this. I think I will get to guilds right after that mage wand that haunts me already.

Anyway - you don't need to use "tribe" - it's totally optional. Even if you write random letters there it won't break match making for you as you will be 1 person team - just like if u haven't typed anything.

Have you tried playing on mobile?
I find the current control scheme is ok - it just lacks (a lot) of buttons.