Under review

Animation pool for 1st and 2nd attacks prior to special attack

Zeffy 8 years ago updated by anonymous 8 years ago 4

Since the attacks in Wilds.io follow the pattern of:

Regular Attack -> Regular Attack -> Spin Attack (Arrow Fire)

Currently there is a pool of 2 animations for both the first and 2nd regular attack, Since it's usually good to know both as an archer and a regular weapon wielding player when your spin attack is coming up since it causes a knockdown effect - could we have the animation pool increased and made exclusive for the first and second attacks prior to the spin/special attack?

Perhaps a pool of 3 were the first attack maintains its current two animations and a special animation is set for the 2nd attack?

In either case the animation and work is yours so that decision is yours to make, my suggestion is only to make it more clear the player when their special attack is 'ready'.

Under review

Yes I think we can. We already have horizontal and vertical attack - I just play them at random. So I can play them in a fixed order - not sure if horizontal and vertical attacks are distinguishable at the moment tho.

They're noticeable from my play with them, the overall action is up to you (: Thanks for the quick responce though

Nice post Zefferis, keep it up mate!

I want more animations for hits and death and some new.