Your comments

Yes I do like it, especially that I can use punch animations for claws attack and it could also cease requests for twin axes (hopefully)

Sorry, I am postponing the update - I am working on redefining keys - and it currently breaks the whole game - it should be delivered this week.

I have that one too. Currently I am working on definable keys so gamepad falls in the scope too.

Since it's a grid based game I couldn't just increase the height of a tile - but I took your advice on changing the pit slope color :)

I like it. Not a priority but I will have it in mind - I can see a few places where water / mud could be used to build alternative slower paths (for example in CTF)

The server can handle a lot more actually - it's the client that is a current bottle neck. Each time I add something new players brag about lags and increasing amount of megabytes to download for the first time visitors. I am starting to realize why poop looking games are more successful than wilds :)

I have removed staff beam that caused a lot of gfx glitches, I hope its better now. I have also updated tiles drawing 5 minutes ago and I hope it will prevent fps drop but I can't promise. Changed the pit bottom texture so its more obvious what is the walkable area

Fixed it 5 minutes ago but I am going to sleep so I am not risking pushing the update - it will be updated tomorrow morning (european time)

Yes - i have been rewriting running mechanics and forgot setting a minimum stamina required to run - so it results in using your micro resources of stamina to perform micro run periods ;)

I was updating the game and disabled frontend to clear the cache :)