Your comments

Thanks, it will be fixed in all modes in the next update.

I want to do archery range there

edible* is the word by the way ;)

- closed -

Rejected by the community.

You cannot really close the thread.


But here is my personal requests.
Please use meaningful titles like "Players are bringing flags outside the walls" becase I cannot find the relevant topic using search box.

Bomb now damages you + enemies but not teammates.

> Health packs
I am not changing healing mechanics at the moment.

> I feel badly that so much of the ruins map is wasted

I have experimented earlier and forced people to explore the map by putting spawn points reasonably farther - and average play time decreased drastically - meaning - for such game it's more important that players can get right into the action.

Well. Team bombing doesn't work anymore \o/

Bomb now damages you + enemies but not teammates.