Your comments

Right click to skip the quest.

About 10.000 players a day.
About 150 players at any given moment

Changed mechanics to:

IF( missing at least 2 health ) eat()
ELSE IF ( has space ) pickup()
ELSE IF ( missing any health ) eat()
ELSE leave_on_the_ground()

You can now skip quests with right click.

You can now skip quests with a right click.

Right click to get rid of unwanted quests.

Hooded Black is a leader of BLVCK tribe again. Please don't do that again.

Kind of. I am getting married in 2 days and have a lot of "real life" things going on because we are expecting a son :)

It will be delivered this weekend.

Because you have checked "Wait in lobby" in settings. Click the white gear in main menu and see the top options.