Your comments

I have greatly diminished hazards of each map. Check out the screenshots

Rezoner confirms that he read that but he also believes it was only possible for the first 5 minutes after update - although if it still occurs rezoner will take a closer look at it.

~ Rezoner's cat

ps: bringe me some foode, purrr.

I think it was only working for 5 minutes after the update but you have managed to make it an all day topic out of that :P Prove me wrong but I cannot enter meele mode with bow or staff.

Yo man it seems that you are entering wilds with an invitation link. Try typing manually in your browser. Not sure what is causing it - also try entering in incognito window (ctrl + shitft + N in Chrome)

As long as I appreciate your proposals - they are all variations of empty desert - I mean these elements don't bring any mechanics to the arena other than visual diversity - as I always do in such controversial subjects I will let data decide - if analytics show that Arena is being played more than before I will keep the changes - otherwise I will reduce it to visuals as you propose - does it sound fair to you?

I don't remember but I think Ecolized has lost the tribe at some point or something and I have blended in as a member to check if it is working. I think I am in WILDS clan now

Well we have to find out what triggers that :|

All shops will become obsolete when I add crafting :)