Your comments

The top row will be separated. It's your pocket. The numbers are still there because in future we will have some stackable items.

I have asked Userecho guys to implement best of week / month posts, but with no success so far.

Draft of the chest menu in fort

Work in progress

This usually happens when people kick themselves out of the tribes.

Tell him to type /recover_tribe in chat

If that don't help, let me know.

I have tried variety of ads - facebook, reddit, adsense - they are in general waste of money - yeah people are visiting the game but those who come from ads play the game ~30 seconds on average - while the average for new players willingly coming to game is about 12 minutes - I guess you don't expect that but we have about 5-6000 new players everyday - the thing is not enough of them are converting into returning players :)

the only reason it's not there is because zooming camera causes glitches between tiles, which does not appear when using browser internal zoom (ctrl + / -)

Also stop spreading the panic - the game is not dying. You are getting bored maybe :)

When I am done with destroyable palisades I will bring back desert and disable CTF until it's revamped.