Your comments

I have added server named BRAZIL which is located in Sao Paulo

There is BRAZIL server now. Tell your folks to pick it in menu.

Console screenshots really helps.
I can tell that when QuickSand (aka Pit) is leaving the view something wrong is going on.Also when you go from one game mode to another all entities leave view so they can stop the sound.

Yup - it's the sound - what's happening is that QuickSand has never entered the view - so the sound loop never started to play - but when you go to another match the leaveview() is called and it tries to stop non existing sound - everything that should be executed after that point gets borked.

And a quick fix

And that's how fixing bugs look like ... except this one difficulty is 1 / 10 - which is almost never the case :P

Hehe actually this mechanics was intended to be used with Alladin styled houses but I don't have time to draw them hence I have applied it to the mountains.

Except play button on some computers I think I have fixed it all

Click PLAY and wait until the system finds oponent for you - meanwhile you will be playing some casual mode to kill the time :)

Nie masz to jakiegoś starego chroma?