Your comments

Oh I really thought that I have fixed that one..

Names and region size are real attributes of the tribes existing in game - the rest is a trickery. To store a history of the game in database in a way that it is compact and I can improve the drawing mechanics anytime - I cannot keep pixels or images. Instead I only keep simple numbers tribe id, name and size for any given day. Then I use something called a seedable random to always get the same position and color from tribe id. The size on the map is determined by amount of bones - i know that map has 300000 pixels and some guild has 10% of bones so it owns 30000 pixels that I claim around the starting pseudo random position of the tribe. 

It's because the rank system is dynamic. I wasn't able to tell how good one can get at this game - so instead of guessing numbers - the best player sets the score stretch for everyone.

All the rankings are decreasing not only bones. There are too many ghost players that hang out there for months without playing

When I comment stuff it automatically puts under review badge.

I am thinking about making a bow for creative sniping and crossbow for strong straight shots.

Will have to think about clash thing, I am quite allergic to random mechanics.

I have just added particles limit - it may help - but I will also add option to even lower it.

Welcome back.  Regarding refreshing the score tables we have undocumented mechanics introduced a few days ago. Basically everyday everyone looses 2% of their score - this makes inactive players to fall down in ranking.

As for the maps I want to keep the desert and gather some statistics - maybe I should throw queued people there as it is more casual.

To be honest I want to remove it totally and replace with wolf head headdress like shaman in warcraft