Your comments

Does it look good? If yes I am not removing that

If we can switch to axe as default weapon for humans - I can bring swarm health back to one


Well sorry mate but there is not much I can do - the flag is assigned by IP address. Rewriting it to let user pick flags is a massive overhaul at the moment.

We have to balance that mode first - I am also not sure if it stays in game - we shall se after a couple of days if it will still have players. Anyway until we don't find a good difficulty curve we shall not add leaderboards as again there will be unbeatable players with 400 kills that shall not be achievable whatsoever.

I am really trying to solve the situation than one player with a sword is getting 200 points making this mode boring for everyone else.

Fixed in next update.

Hell mode is not about humans having fun slaughtering shadows for an hour. If i buff humans you will have no one to slaughter because it is not funny to play as  a shadow for more than a minute.

Dunno, I have experienced this too

I have added ability to inspect such bugs in the future. Pushing update to server.

It needs a more work - it's fun only for experienced players - they slaughter through noobs until noobs get bored and leave the server.