Your comments

Yes they are penalized. Even if they win a match as a bot they still loose points / gold.

Can you possibly take a photo with a proper camera or in a well lighten room so it's not so blurry and I can post it on fanpage? :)

Can you chill a little bit? You are occupying 90% of forum frontpage.
Userecho implementation is beyond my reach - it's like Wikia - I am only using it for my purposes.

Youtubers has played it once just after the game was released and never came back despite tons of updates - anyhow this gave the game the traffic it has today.

I am currently negotiating with a publisher that has a nice players base so I hope to have a good surge of newcomers soon.

No it's not a bug - you post too much and system thinks you are spamming.

Are you using newest version of chrome?

you don't loose bones - its only for ranked games