Your comments

Like noobs complaining about the long range weapons wasn't enough, JUST USE THE FRICKING SHIELD AND KICK AND IF YOU DONT HAVE A SCROLL MOUSE CHANGE THE SETTINGS JEEZ! But now I can't tell them that because kick is broken :( STILL USE THE SHIELD AND STOP COMPLAINING

As someone who plays as a "black team," (black armor means not in a team) I can say that the main reason I click non after I die is so I can cheat into the fort and chill in there without being the enemy or having to bother defending the team, maybe even ping pong with the fort's team. Also it kinda ruins the point of trying to take over the fort :/

omg i choose the same ones :D

when I said "like mines of potions" I meant: like mines or potions... sorry

It should also only attack players that attack it, a dragon sounds too op.

PIZZAO isn't that bad, other players deserve a ban that are far worse than pizzao. (Also I'm not sure but could have meant kys as in the game not real life)

All those block quests just got harder

Jack-o-lantern helmet! there's already a Christmas one why not PUMKIN :D