Your comments

The Thor hammer's special reminded me something I forgot long ago: The weapons' specials do not need to be realistic or make sense somehow. They just need to be useful and balanced. Thank you +1

im bringing the tools

Oh thank you for bumping this post. You should be castrated for this. And by the way this was Implemented a long while ago( when you chose a team you would be switched to the other team)

Maybe not loose gold but pay for removing quests, of course a small and constant amount of money (50 gold or so) And If you dont afford to do it you still can do it

MUAHAHA would sound pretty inofensive with the standart voice pack

Dude you told me in a comment "Why do you ask me not to downvote ?" but yourself do that in your description. Not cool

Canadian spotted +

save some for me I just watched the Netflix "Death Note"

the question is, will it be a self shooting tower or there is need for a person to climb atop and use a bow?

 second idea has some disadvantages, as the person whos up there has to stay there constantly which is boring, also many people with melee weapons could climb on and leave no space for bows and staffs