Your comments

Come to think about it, they are worse than 100% troll mode sheepie.  It's painful seeing them everywhere.

Well you took the time to scroll down :|     I swear if everyone gave as much attention to important subjects as you do sarcastic, spontaneous, senseless comments, the world would be SO much of a better place.

J4Sh1n cares.   A handful of the community cares, and that's something considering there is just a handful of us, but also doing all this 'racket' incites a response and moment of thinking, which it has accomplished and therefor take this all how you both feel.

Why not just use your heads instead of just sit here and prove our points, you could've just IGNORED a lot of the 'drama' that happened instead of provoke more, I think the bad part is you both aren't intentionally meaning to.  Which makes you both ignorant as fuck.

Also the fun part of this is, you both never react to people's actual reasoning on disliking you both, it's quite simple to just say "Sorry for resurrecting dead posts, and posting on this forum like it's a chatroom, I will better myself for the community and blah blah blah"    Fact of the matter is both of you either change the subject or go batshit mad when you are called out for the obvious shit you do.  Get over yourselves, and stop acting like children.   Maybe Jashin is doing this to better the forum and not because he's out to get you both >:U  EVER THINKING OF THAT?

No you didn't, but ignorance is bliss, so I will allow you both to bask in it

>.> dude.  

You forgot your anti autism pills again?

didn't he just apologize?  and actually put effort in a reason why he trolls that took legit 2 pages probably?  Maybe he might stop as well if you stop giving him attention

It's a forum, if you post, you are reserved to be praised, appreciated and upvoted at the expense of possibly being judged, mocked, and downvoted.

Personally I don't like Ukryty, his commenting methods aren't the smartest, and at the same time do not bring any humor, humor is what drives just STUPID comments sometimes.     BUT AGREEMENT IN they both try to find ANY CONCEIVABLE WAY to comment in the forum which results in a necromancy unlike any other, HELL they even post on ALMOST EVERY SHEEPY COMMENT EVER FUCKING MADE.

I may have trolled a tiny bit on this forum, but hell, I'm not desperate XD.     though I respect Seal a bit more.  This has to stop, both of them need to use logic, because I'll tell you, they are oblivious to the bigger pictures of giving too much attention to problems causes more problems and that there is a limit, this is a forum not discord.

Short but sweet response paraphrasing 5 paragraphs sheepy.   I understand you.      If this is 100% true and not a troll (and lets be frank I don't think a troll would spend this much time on a post) than I sympathize with thou.   Also +1 for teasing religion, hard to believe we are still at that level.      But the hard truth of the matter is that people who are not mindless sheep (and no not saying it because you are a sheep) tend to be unhappy in the world seeing that it offers no real happiness or no real meaning.

Love is a popular form of manipulation, art is over abundant, working only gets you money, which in turn doesn't supply happiness as material things can only bring so much happiness, and religion is another manipulation that never helps a problem in the end.  POINT IS . . . 


And the stupid are rewarded

But I will say this sheepie, it takes guts to say this stuff, and you have my respect, and you know, I think you'd be great knowing that you aren't limited to one world, maybe try Roleplaying?   it's something a lot of people do who are in your shoes, because in a world so fucking cold and ruthless, sometimes you just need an escape that doesn't involve physically and mentally destructive means.