Your comments

WOW XDDDDDDD . . . . You know what i'll give you that one.  FOR the first time you've mad me laugh with your comment/topic and not just AT it.

I am embracing in the happiness of defeating your comment uprising and shutting you up a bit more by using simple logic and proof without even delving into your pathetic profile.

At this point I'm 100% willing to call you desperate in your attempts as you are pushed back against wall by the community.   And darling, it isn't funny sarcasm or satirical, this is just an outcry from a butthurt peasant.

I see . . . I will try to work with your polite demand for patients . . . I guess we owe him that much.  Thank you for the talk and staying with this forum through hte darkest of times, you've probably observed the worst and best in us, and . . probably the reason we need you as mod.  Thanks . . for telling me he is fixing kick . . that's all I ever wanted from all this forum bullshit I went through.   I love this game . . . and I don't care if this game updates yearly or every day either.   I just want to be left with something good and to be remembered and almost exploit proof.   Because all I can ever think about is old wilds . . 

What are you waiting for?!  TELL US OR DIIE

I'm only joining the crowd, there isn't much more to talk about since the game isn't moving forward, and the post is suppose to be funny and satirical :D glad you like it


It's a joke and sarcasm about how no one is going to play the game

lol, Etheric, what happened to posting this to the other irrelevant shit, shittopics, and troll stuffs.   I feel so SPECIAL to have drawn your attention

Yes Seal is the mod we don't deserve J4sh1n, and sorry I already have someone

I feel satisfied, but dissatisfied.   This was a victory and a loss.   I will give it a downvote, but a vote.  For I've become a monster . . for hunting another too much and no assessing my surroundings.   I only hope in this time that you think about your attitude towards the community and step up to the plate next time with some dignity.  I did not enjoy doing this to you (maybe I did a little) but I do hope you learn from this and come back stronger from this backlash.   

I'm still open toward talking on discord though, respectfully 

I detect an alt-account

Thanks for making it that way friend, at least there isn't shortage on things to shoot at, but I have far from a shortage of ammo.   Hollow point rounds just for you.