Your comments

We only have a handful of people to enforce it, its obvious to know who's going to enforce it. Go figure.

Eh, it looks like people are running out of ideas.

And yes, I am still here and "loyal" to the game and the forums.

(Don't ask me why I registered really late ;-;')

Finally someone (Who has potential "power" over us) spoke up about this...Though, some people will forget about this unofficial rule, and we need some enforcing on all "rules".

Wasn't Imoogi the king of arena back in the day?

+1 Yup. Good for newbies that started out with a bow.

Yep, unless one of us go meme-ing uncontrollably.

Nope. I don't want to adapt to bow users for a long time ;_;...

...Arena fighting is dependant on skill. Yes, I do understand that "bows are op", though, I do cope with opponents that wield them (These opponents almost win with a 3-2). But, in my opinion, defined by "skill". ._. And yes, most of you will say that the bow is op due to the recent changes, but I'm fine with it ;v