Your comments

i think there should be the kings crown but it only shows the direction 

like north east and west south

the problem may be that u could accidently use up all your stamina by dashing two times on accident


 its kinda the main reason if my salt and my salt posts

So whats your current name rn?

okay i guess ill make this comment the list NO-ONE reply to this comment k

sushisling3r (The Drug Dealer) (may be changed to quest of wood dealer)

Dead Wolf is Dead Wolf, Very Seal is Very Seal and Ukryty is Ukryty :)

Toke AKA Jashin ingame AKA Mac on discord

Mine's Seal both ingame and discord.

Forum: The_Lord_Of_Ferrets

In game : Ferret_Lord

Discord: The Lord's Ferret

storm crow is storm crow everywhere..

dark is spearman

Razvan Efros= Razvancic the OgreSlayer


lordxalasa and ramsay in discord

Ivan music  = sir killalot

I EAT RULES is Next_Top_Model or Metal Tundra

i would drink the bleach but the bleach drank itself