Your comments

Ok I just found a fix, to do the recover tribe command. Still needs to be fixed though, and soon.

So an ice wand with a ultra OP version of the axe special?

Well that would ruin the point i think..

Yeah when they get you in one spot whatever you do they counter, and since the only two things that the bots cannot counter are kick and charge which are both ineffective in group battles, its impossible to survive long.

Well the whole points that its impossible now. Believe me i played like an hour straight, it only got harder as more players quit and bots started replacing them.

I think he means, and I agree that the actual collection is an absolute bore. It is just grinding the item trading, because fighting takes too long.

I dont think the rank decay is harsh at all. It is not like you are the only one getting the decay, it just means that the higher your score goes, the harder it is to get up ranks. The rank symbols for everyone stays the same despite the decay because the top player also gets his score deducted, and this allows for anyone to have a fair chance at getting to the top. While before it was how much you can grind all at once, now its how much can you grind and how long can you keep it up

Id say 15 minutes with a friend at the bottom right of the map, 20-30 on your own selling coins

Ill try and figure it out and add it, and hopefully TheGhostInTheMachine can too since I am not exactly fluent in HTML and CSS