Your comments

That would be great! But can we have some time to organize first?

I mean sure but its sort of like trying to name "History" "Herstory" (a legitimate movement). It may be nice for some people but King already has a connotative meaning of being first when being queen is second. Its just history. So I would say id rather have rezoner working on the spear instead.

Im going to be the next tyrian lannister, great suggestion

Um its a proposal so isn't people's feedback supposed to be appreciated? cough cough not forced likes and views cough cough

You just have to play maybe 15 minutes a day for 10, 11 days. That doesnt seem like a lot

If you just refresh the page it will make a bot, im pretty sure that was what happened. I do that to get in the right server, and make bots in the process by mistake.

I would say if they get 2 topics under review, planned or completed they can have their rights. That way some quality posts might appear!

Woah I actually got 300 bones, congrats spag