Your comments
mission name: YOU ARE NOT PREPARED
description: get 100 bones and kill 10 players
only by saying too time the same thing in a row you get muted must only if you say more than 5 times
dude we dissagree cause the first bow was going straght if we add back this we cant NOOSCOPE from a longgggg direction you see and sorry but i shoot whit bow (in reeal life) and the arrow go straght
yeah me too
but dat soo good but i think wand should normal just pewpew
+i tried too make variants power equal too original
lol you used my axe boomrang ability idea
actually its not adding boost its changing
so like the yumi it wont shoot a fire arrow but an arrow that ricochet
i think that pets can be get why gold or whit arena or soccer or bones ranks
it happen when you get killed after a team have scored
Customer support service by UserEcho
item cooldown would break combos -1