Your comments

Reward: 3600 bones xD

Nobody will come to bet system then. As you could saw in some movies (I saw in real), people was betting who win, and when for example Usain Bolt won, people who bet him got twice more than they bet. This type of reward should be on this arena in fort, if it will be implemented.

I hate people who is destroying or trashing books.

Thx, I needed just half a year to beat Egzekutor. Rezoner is the next target XD  (BTW. As I was checking at this half a year, I noticed when I did those 972 comments, Rez did only 300-400. This can mean I can beat Rezoner in a few months!)

It's like pleasing you to eat a vacuum cleaner - effect will be same :D

I think he will resume working on fire staff. But I can be wrong. I'm always wrong.

And when you win the bet you will get back your gold or get 2 times more?