Your comments

Me.That's case for me.

He's playing with bow?Didn't know that.

Crafting Vegeto refference,huh.

For me,I don't think it's necessary since major lag and hitpoint problems I encounter.

Easy there,man.Is lack of snickers again or something else?

Whoa whoa,hold on a second,the grenade launcher?All this you figured out would be more of like modern warfare rather than primitive combat like wilds,but still good for implementing if there was about modern gun games,but unfortunately this one isn't.

No worry man.It's not end of the world.

Tsk..That's nothing to me,just find some guilible baby d*cks and lure them,but scorring 2 goals in football match is tricky one since most of players just run around like headless chickens,and that majes it more difficult.