Your comments
It makes sense since a lot of items were added and there are not just hp and speed pots or throwing knives and bombs.This should be removed,it's unnecesary to keep this,so +1.
Man you just keep writing like this.No offense,you'l just look weird and it takes ya more time rather than writing like normal people.
Fot f*ck sake,why did you reply to this post since it's said not to be bumped or replied and you just need to post insulting comments that seem harmless for you.
Sorry man,forgive her,she didn't know what she was doing,it's my sister afterall.
Yea,that'd be too op and it's unsuitable,and as you said,everyone would want to gangbang him and that goes in ny dissadvantage since I'm loner,and it's worse when they see me going after leader alone.This way I finish him quicker alone than most baby d*cks would do in teams.
Yea,they don't know how to deal with them and just rage n' rage.The thing what it takes to end runners is good aiming,and a bit of creativity to prevent getting an arrow kicked or blocked by runner,and rushing through with bow spamming is just not good,and that's mostly mistake for newbies who learn to play with it.
Yea,he's possesed by pazuzu.
No doubt since you're one of our veterans.
Yea,exactly.If you read manga,there are 2 types of odm gear.First is 3D vertical equipment which is used for killing titans,second is Anti-personnel 3D manuver gear,which is helpless against titans,but efficient against humans.You can google it if you want.
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Yea,having bunch of clones,armor,hp ect,that just breaks the feel of self relliance and independence on items.Still +1,and want this back.