Your comments

It's possible soon Rez bring back desert map only with melee weapons. But with other maps can be problem, because probably Rez not have saved old maps. But it's possible i think wrong. 

I like this idea but this can be hard to implement if Rez not have saves with maps.

And i really want see again mechanic with growing when you get higher płace in leaderboard.

i'm in 99% sure map in 3v3 is randomly generated with each battle. I never saw two identical maps, and i don't think Rez spend so much time for create this amounts of maps.

My observation is that in 3v3 players are matched in pairs as in 1v1. Note that always in the opposite team there is someone with a similar rank as you. Same with the rest of the players. It works just like 1v1 but there are three pairs instead of one. also two other pairs can have less points than you and your enemy.

If this objects can not generate any slow mo, no problem.

Here is easy way for solve problem with rude peoples in game - just report them on userecho with proof like screenshot. 

For bring back pvp and 3v3 fame, changing scoring system, and repair bugs is most important. My opinion About maps in both modes: in 1v1 current arena should stay because less objects = less lag. In 3v3 i like your idea with small shelfes but i think items from 3v3 should be removed. this solving most 3v3 problems.
 about your questions: 
if i good know for start 3v3 match each player from one team must have enemy with minimum 75% score. Also scoring system in 99% will be changed.
i very like Rezak idea about non ranked matches. this is very good for warmup before you join to real pvp. Also this should work with 3v3 and with matchmaking players should can make guild wars without problems with not enough score.

Pvp is my favorite mode, and i try do everything what i can for bring back fame to this mode. Also to 3v3.

Another idea. 

What if the gate has full hp and the fire burns with maximum power, and when the player throws a piece of wood, simply fly through this object or blocks in without consuming wood?

it's because sometimes teams is strongly unbalanced what is probably a bug. 

Heh good old times :3

I like yetis and i think this monsters should be added in new mode with forts or survival mode ;]

Soon in warehouse players get ability to change weapon. It's help with things like this.