Your comments

"Collect bones and grow"

 If this mean growing mechanic is back... YASSSS 

Well i see you removed 3v3 and ctf, probably for remake. Also desert coming back. One thing what is more Interesting is experimental map :> I think menu looks now better especially for new players. Personaly i think "melee" should have name "desert" because this sounds more interesting.  But this is my opinion :p

And one question: It's possible check amount of players in each server? I think for check it, player must switch server region on top and this should show amount of players in this server.

It's good you want more new players in game. I think we all want it. Best way for keep longer players in game is adding small and bigger achievments. New player have small goals and also this can be used as tutorial. 

For example: "kick another player using right mouse button" 

Also for each achievments should be reward. 

This is probably best solution and also so much pros can come when Rez add achievments. 

Also it should be two categories with achievments, for beginers and advanced players.

And also possibility of conquer lands on map, and check players activity in tribe.

Btw. Rez want implement new guild options. We must only give him more time. He can't fix modes and add things in the same moment.

LoL why no use just matchmaking for teaming? I think for this it has been added. Also just join to one team and problem solved.

I like this idea and i know how add it as not too op item.
In backpack players can have only wood (maybe Incoming stones). When player put in to it wood/stones his speed is decreased. In fort or close to it can be shop with back packs and everyone can buy it however, this item could be destroyed when player put in to it and drop, for example 10 items. 

I thinking also about possibility to put other items to back pack, but this ability should be good countered because players can abuse it in fight. I think decreasing speed can solve this problem. Also items should be only throwed from backpace when you want use it.

Axe also not need be updated :p 

Most important is bow and wand movies because they show old mechanics.

Heh funny but i also noticed this bug during my last training in camp. I tested it and dead player can pick up only two potions and two items, like alive player.

Btw preview videos should be updated...