Your comments

I know several people who wear barbarian cape, and in this group you can found also me.

This will be cool but also it's very hard for introduce.

Charge attack + kick combo is op for bots. You can kill bot very fast and easy. And with ranged weapon your job is much easier. Bots have very simple movement and when you learn how it works, bots should be no more dangerous. 

In practice room you can train with bots, so just learn how deal with them.

Lulz, you should working as medieval bard. 

This games have popularity only cuz youtube...

You should know one thing: Most topics on forum was noticed by Rez, but now he working with other things in game. Throwing it away and going back is not good, so wait when he end current plans.

I like it. Small thing, but can look nice.

For me claws is easy for block or avoidance. This special is effective only in straight line, so when you fast make jump to the left or right side, you can easily avoid dmg. I think major buff should get spear and maybe wand (like small homing effect on bullets).

I like how current special works. You can counter everyone special when it ends, even sword, and knowledge how using it as advantage gives to gameplay more skill requirements  if you want be top player. 

Players who playing pvp often, not have problems with countering sword or claws special, even with axe.

(Sure, that should be repaired :P)