Your comments

Good job. Helmet look nice ;]

So you mean something bigger like mode where everyone play in this game. I can't imagine when bunch of people spectate when two players play in rock, paper and scissors xD

Ehh and everyone start using only items with dmg boost, not because they look cool ;x

Jump + roll while running is pro tip ;p Also yellow pot can help when you have some in close range.

My post probably did hypnotize you xD

Nothing. As several other things which you can do in wilds. This was only idea how add more small things for game what can improve communication between players in game. General idea is about co-op emotes, and mini game with emotes only show what potential this idea have in later stages. And really i think this mini game is well known.

I never thought about this combination ;p

I think option for mute chat when you are in game will be good. For people who not know, you can also close game chat in menu.

This is definelly major bug xD