Mute: Noob Trash IGN
It all started with a game of good ol' Wilds.io. When suddenly I was attacked by Fili. I was chilled that time and got killed as a consequence.
I just want to say that this is not another "Ban Galactus" post. I've learned from my errors. It is well known that I am the leading expert when it comes to reporting people. This time, the sheer evidence that I harvested is more than enough to permanently ban him from chat. This is my report.
This is only the beginning.
to no avail...
then again...
As you can see, this is a enormous amount of evidence. Yet, this is only half of the words he said. I chose not to record because at that time, I dismissed him as pure annoyance. Even when he wasn't salty, he called me a noob just because I didn't try to kill him and ended up with him killing me several times. He went by the guest name: "Fili" before switching to "Noob Trash". When I asked him why he targeted me, he said that I was easy to kill 'cause he wanted bones, which was BULLSHIT because he was a guest that time and guest couldn't keep their bones or gold when they logged off, unless they registered.
Customer support service by UserEcho
Of-course, I tried to avoid him and even tell him to go away but as you can see, it only got worse.
IGN 10/10.
We have to do that with Disguised too.
+1 for the good topic with evidence.
This battle between users on forum >.<
I have many other things to say but i dont tell them because im not a savage kid like him that can speak only with swearing.
I do not propose to ban him with evidence because I dont want to worsen the situation.
I dont tell them because i want to stop.
savage kid not savage doge.
Please don't.
There should be also type of topic "Other"
*suspension* Coming soon!!
I'm a Brazilian and I know most of us are crazy. I think this guy is on a fake account and just wants to get involved with people.
Either way, this attitude is unacceptable
That is pretty bold. Usually, people from their homeland tend to speak positive things about their country.
Dead Wolf? It's your second account? Really...?
What. ಠ_ಠ
Some people don't understand that some of us don't want to be the best of the best. It's best to avoid those that criticize you on how you play and those that target you.
His name is "noob trash", just rek the shit outta him
You already have... so have I.
he is noob even in being trash! What a loser ;-;
Galactus came back today lol look:
Well... good think you didn't bump my "Ban Galactus" post. xD +1
I think option for mute chat when you are in game will be good. For people who not know, you can also close game chat in menu.