

HackersAreNoobs 9 years ago updated by Saved0 8 years ago 10

there is hackers at game :(



Closing the issue because it doesn't say what's the context of hacking as in - what do they hack? Are they immortal?

Under review

How can you tell they are hacking?

I think I'm going to give the game a break until these players are sorted out. I met a few players now that just can't be killed. It's like hitting the air. There are also players that have an infinite(?) amount (or a lot) of swords to throw and they just spam them.

easy to detect it. when you block someone, there is a little cooldown to attack (you are pushed away from that attqack). cheaters blocks and attacks and the same time and they are not pushed away from you for blocking your attack. There is too another cheat where their "mana" regeneration go faster.

and each day there are more cheaters on this game. im starting to think about to renew or not my patreon...

I have already cancelled mine.

Please kick World War Z


Ok, first off why is this a post - this post should have some relative information contained in it to give readers an idea on what the issue is.


Closing the issue because it doesn't say what's the context of hacking as in - what do they hack? Are they immortal?

They are like bots only that much faster and stronger if you to defend automatically he rolls over you and if you try to attack him he defends and gives a very fast attack and his takes 4 damage normally and 2 damage was type so with The guy that I played against in the arena he did not know to play there he wrote HL and turned a bot hacker his name was ragnar

It helps if you could list names of potential offenders