Suffocation - Effigy of The Forgotten (FULL ALBUM HD)
You're going to love it :)
Agreed. it's sickening that people feel obligated to pull this bullshit at the expense of everybody on the brown team. It's a RANKED GAMEMODE, and practically everyone on the grey team is guilty of abusing a mechanic in a way unintended by the developer in order to give them an unfair advantage. They may argue that it isn't their fault that the bug exists, but we'll see what Rezoner's opinion is.
Is there something I have to do to enable the wall glitch? I can't go pass the door as opposite team.
But this guy is something else, he doesn't use some glitches, he just walks through walls like its nothing
By the way if you didn't know how people were doing this, to activate the glitch you needed to stand at the very edge of the void and have someone stand behind you place a bomb, you would then get exploded forwards into the void where you would proceed to not die, but instead be invisible, once you used your weapon you'd than reappear, you could not jump but you could walk over the void and through walls. It was super cool :)
The latest update fixed the walking through walls and walking on the void...
Sorry I only said: you can't "walking through walls and walking on the void" anymore, the glitch still works, but you can now only roll on the void. :)
Customer support service by UserEcho
Ok so I consider it fixed. Feel free to open the topic back.