Your comments

Sorry if that came out rude


I abstain from voting this, if it makes you feel better.

Pooper scooper. He's gonna come back and be overflowed with crap.

So yes, we should stop acting like toddlers and stop sending poop posts.

What ya mean

I like editing my posts

I like it, but I feel that this brings more like other games. is unique cuz the AI isn't as much of a matter, more the other players, though it IS there to annoy you.

Sorta takes out and puts in too much of the barbarian mode :/

So like what?

You left me hanging

I never played either game tho

Well, it's uncanny, everyone at my school started randomly talking about Fortnite and PubG for the first time in like a century.

Also, like it.

Maybe I would feel mad.