Your comments

Halloween is already over lmao.

Attack potion with 2x ATK buff?, dear no. Imagine this: Hammers will be too op, spears will be annoying, projectile weapons will dominate the fort, FISTS WILL BE THE BEST WEAPON.

I don't think this would work out...Maybe a short-timed buff? Or like 1.25x ATK buff?....

...Well, if that's want you really want...

Thanks for being a part of the game and the community, and bringing all the good times.

Hopefully, you could check back in the game or the forums from time to time. Going to miss seeing you.

Farewell, BILBOOO.

See you on the other side of "life"... ;'(

Do they even play anymore?...

;-; Not sure if this will be "possible", but would be cool to implement.

I was thinking that instead of horses, we could the old work-in-progress deer back then (How would riding deers be even possible ;v). Deers would be quite...uncanny to ride though...

Not yet, this game won't be fully "dead" yet.

Tbh this forum seems..."bland" without them...

I actually miss them..

Let's just stop, this is becoming a clusterfk. Most likely he's an internet troll looking for attention so he can fill up his boredom....

Most likely he got bored ;-;...or is it the Seva Revolution thing...I have no clue .-.