Your comments

GET GOOD NOOBS! and stop complaining, avoiding rope is not that difficult. All you do is run around like an idiot in random directions while spamming shield, roll, dash. Whatever, then kill the guy when he or she runs out of ropes.

if they do hit you with a rope after all of that then you were either not doing the above or they are really good, in which case they deserve a cookie, and you die.

number 1 sounds like the type of game mode that will bore people even faster than hell.


Your idea is not that original, if players don't respawn they will be insanely bored staring at other playing the game and will probably leave. A way to fix this is to just make more servers. I'm not too sure how server hosting goes but it sounds expensive to have a lot of servers running at a time just because people don't feel like waiting minutes to respawn.

If you take out the "don't respawn" part of the equation, this is literally just another generic PvE post. You might as well bump an old one at this rate. 

You forgot the picture.

What's so complicated about typing "" into the browser then with a couple clicks look into the armory.

Also your idea is kind of pointless, I mean it's really obvious and Rez would probably think of something better anyway. 

dude, have you even played the game. I don't happen to be spiderman, so grabbing someone with a hook while they are running or engaging with you in combat is a little bit difficul, m'kay?

Any slower and it would be completely worthless... Its not like you go onto the server and see people abusing hooks left and right. The dude is just sour cause he's getting rekt. It's not like he could just change servers, no that is completely impossible and not seen in human history. or just get good. competitive gaming isn't supposed to be easy without any effort involved.

Some people spam shield... so there is absolutely no reason that it should be nerfed just because someone doesn't know how to play.

1. No, and it would of taken you under 15 seconds to check that by going into the game and looking into the armory.

2. You are aware that there is a way to buy health potions...

3. Bye.

No way?! are you serious!?, since the relaunch it has so many players... what could of happened???

Enjoy your daily sarcasm, there is no words to describe how blind a person would be if they didn't notice that melee has not been getting much players.

It's not a bug, I suppose you could of figured that out by going into the game.

If you're going to point out the obvious at least leave a suggestion or something, it's not like Rezoner doesn't know about it. Thats why it was removed in the first place and since people wanted more of the game modes back, Rez brought them back for us.

Also please don't say "BAM" after every picture, we can see that too, no need for the sound effects.

speaking of war, WAR has a nice bulletin, a fancy chat thingy. Though its not functional.. it's nice.