Your comments

Yeah, staff is absolute cancer in arena. 

Your only option is to catch Rezoner when he's finally online, thats what I did

m8 have you even played the game?

1. Guilds into alliances: Well, tribes have almost no real purpose, It would be better to work on that first

2. Weapon costs: Not all weapons are equal, I play best with claws due to their ult long range ability

3. Gamemodes: Rez has tried new games modes, but they die out too fast. The only thing that stayed around was fort.

Although it sounds like I'm opposing all of the ideas, all I'm doing is giving my opinion along with some facts.

I can taste the salt coming off of my screen.

You wont stop runners, no one likes them. The sooner you accept that the better.

I think rez could spend his time making better things than a slide

Oh thanks

Did you by any chance get kicked out of your tribe despite being the creator?

Because hoe wants attention