Your comments

Rezak does not have that many accounts..

Why do you want an old version???

Also there was the recent change in arena because there were 8 skull ranked players..

LOL, 13? seeing what? the word "Vagina".. you serious? 

You are aware that schools teach sex-ed classes in 6th grade.. added to that fact, even if it was some other sort of use of "bad" language, what are you saying it's going to do to them??

I would say more, but every time I try, I just ends up insulting you, so I will leave it at that.

I want to be a good boy this Christmas so I can get a present from Santa, fat bastard didn't bring me anything in the last 4 years, Haha!

The reason I don't like censorship is that it is quite necessary, adults using "bad" language when kids aren't around and kids use the so called "bad" language when adults aren't around. We all use it, fine maybe there are a people out there  that don't and sure I don't really like to see 5 year olds swearing and cursing around in public (real life). 

But... this is the internet, it doesn't matter. It isn't hurting anyone and they might as well get used to it because they will encounter bad language where ever they go. Youtube is one of the most popular websites out there and it doesn't use censorship. I don't see anyone complaining.

Also your example is just plain terrible, there is nothing wrong with the word... it's not offensive, and believe me I have seen worse, a LOT worse than that in my journey around this wonderful place we all love: the internet. Profanity has never hurt anyone, if anything it makes things more interesting and sometimes funny.

Rezoner said no memes, and you are calling me blind....

Why are you calling me blind? The guy was invisible.

Sounds like a great idea, if you're serious enough about it you can create a template of the map to save Rez some time if he decides this idea is good enough. 


And what exactly would showing how active people are discourage other people?, if anything it would just increase the competitiveness because seeing someone online so much would mean that they are actively earning bones, and if you happen to be a person who cares about bones you will play longer to not be left behind.