Your comments
Let's hope this doesn't bet buried before Rez gets to see it :c
The issue is that you block and then roll a split second later, a very minuscule movement of your mouse wheel forward causes this when your finger rests on the wheel and you move your mouse, It happened to me a lot, it really sucked.
The reason this happens is because wilds requires the player to move their mouse constantly, try it yourself. Place your hand on the mouse wheel and then move your mouse as though you are playing. Your finger will move slightly forward.
It may not be enough when you intentionally do it, but when you are in the heat of the game trying to dodge/ kick/ block arrows while being constantly pressured by the little as*hole who is running away from you.
Another reason is when you block really fast, your fore finger is pulled back quite far, making it lean on the mouse wheel.
It has nothing to do with directly (by that I mean the game is not bugged, instead the intense movements cause this) Its the player's fault.
Actually, now that I think about it there are a lot less quests per day than I expected. Meaning it's not that big of an issue.
Beards are cool.
More memes XD
It's not too long, sure it could be made shorter but I have addressed all the important points.
Personal Bones
Thanks for the explanation!
Customer support service by UserEcho
I saw it staring to disappear, Rez left a comment on another post similar to this: "looks fine" and he's probably busy with the upcoming update.