Your comments
sigh... this would be a claw user's dream.
Well crap. At least this ain't League of Legends.
Well... good think you didn't bump my "Ban Galactus" post. xD +1
I think "thanks" will serve a better function.
A option to switch your quests is being planned!
Origin: The Colosseum in Rome.
Retiarius was a class specialized to fight "Secutors" in the Colosseum. Retiarius were the net fighters armed with a trident. Secutors were heavily armored (The opposite of Retiarius class fighters).
Aaanndd what does this have to do with combat? Last time I remembered, was a game of killing. Not only that but what if you were attacked while playing this? I feel like that this would be a not-so well known mini-game if it actually was implemented. I won't dislike.
This would be nice. +1
Food would brighten your mood.¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Customer support service by UserEcho
Okay. So a minor change to help cope with the emptiness in a boring lobby.