Your comments

Please, if you have to dislike my post, do so while refuting the points I listed in the main post, or sharing your experience as a wand/bow user.

"wand absolutely cannot kill an unmoving target in 2 seconds." I don't know the precise timing since I couldn't experiment that, but it's certainly near that. The bow just takes a lot longer to deal an attack. 
As I said in the post, the wand deals little damage, but it's the speed that makes it powerful. The wand is a lot faster than the bow, and if we tested it I can assure you that the wand is just better in pretty much any situation. That's what I see while playing and looking at other people playing.

Didn't remember the detail of the stamina. How many projectiles does it take to finish the stamina?

Cuz it's cooler and more entertaining than the wand.

The bow deals more damage than the wand, but the wand is still much more powerful for the following reasons:

-The bow shoots around 60 x m, while the wand shoots 240 x m, this means that the wand is 4 times faster than the bow.

-The wand takes 8 hits to kill, the bow 6, this means that the bow needs 6 seconds to kill an unmoving target, the wand only 2.

-The bow is more precise than the wand, but the slowness at which the arrow goes forces bow users to be a lot nearer to their targets. At that distance (middle/middle-to-short) the imprecision of the wand makes no difference at all.

-The wand allows for fast repeated attacks just by pressing the left button, the bow makes you click and wait each attack.

+ other miscellaneous problems with the bow.

I found it. It's near the bear team's base. Under the wall:

Do you mean it's possible to go beyond the cliff?

They might hurt if you bump into them! This would make for an hilarious chase.