Your comments

Also, it would be bad to see the game losing its shape just to appeal to a wider audience. I would like to see an increase in complexity and strategy in the future.
I myself I'm not that great in combat (lol) but I have lots of fun even when I lose.

Maybe one day the game will need to be a downloadable game, I seriously like it! I'm playing it like I never did with an online game!

I'm thinking that... did you think the hypothesis that maybe the game is advertised to the wrong people? Have you tried the "hardcore gamers" communities? Because maybe the game is too "technical" and complex for people who just want to pass time without restrictions or too much challenge. Maybe you should try with an audience that likes deep mechanics like Dark Souls fans, even Overwatch fans. Puzzle game and RPG aficionados etc. The game seems to be more appealing to that kind of gamer than the "hit 10 minutes and close" one.
I mean, people that would be willing to install the game (it's not a donwloadable game of course, but if it was they would install it in their computer).

It would be interesting, but maybe it would be too taxing for a browser based game?
Also, I think the game would have to be redesigned completely for something like that to be implemented.

Of course, I was ironic.

yeah, another characteristic is immortality. :/

Well, having something like a "quad damage" might actually be interesting!

Now I get what PR is saying... I forgot to choose the right category for the thread. It should be in Bugs not Ideas.

The map has flaws that have been pointed out multiple times to the main developer. Nothing has changed yet.
I get that he's thinking about 1000 things all alone at the moment. At the same time... isn't that enough to correct the parts that permit that to happen? Like adding a wall, invisible or not, on the crack present in the upper part of the map. That's were most of the people go out and bring the flag with them.

I mean, there is a grenade. Why not a katana?

You're one of those! *angryface*