Your comments
I mean yea,it's a annoying to exit the game just to enter the menu to get axe and then enter game again just to chop wood.In that case we need ingame weapon switch.
Ok...I suppose this was bad idea afterall.It's doomed to burrial.
Ne mogu,sutra cu jer ne smijem tokom tjedna,jedino u petak i vikendom.Btw moj mob mi je u k*rcu tak da mi je zao.
So true,man.
Look,these comments didn't pose any threat to world,I just joked along with my friends,and now I need to stop it,like it isn't enough that I don't have much friends in real life.It's over.No point of giving effort to making bigger racket by responding to this.
Look,I dunno why you hate the whole world,especialy me.Would you leave me alone if I stop,though "I didn't" for some reason.Mind your own bussiness.I don't care what are you doing,so why bothering me?If you're smart,stop it already.
I know.Feisty girl.
Though I like dragons,It'd be a bit to op,still no big of a deal,if he drops special loot or gets you to ride him for short period of time,that'd be lit.Still quite a work for Rez.
Wow,good one.He got triggered,for how long will he stay like this.
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You must be badass.I mean,you're already in here,but badass in Witcher 3 aswell.