Your comments

Seems legit,and I mean who can still run who still has arrows in his legs or head after getting shot.That'd be great.

Uh uhm..It's Seal with it.

Whoa whoa,easy there.I didn't mean anything discriminating,so just chill.

Yea,that makes most sense actually,and it'll appear usefull,especially if you're bow user.Now that's the great way of thinking and judgement,especially attitude against this idea.But srsly,you think like true archer,and that's a plus and advantage.

Yea man,that runners,targeters and other baby d*cks are not impossible,just annoying,there are a lot of ways to end them.If you take effort to improve yourself,analyze opponents attacks and you'll see how much more can you do if you let yourself,it's up to ya to change and progress without being salty and call people noobs just cuz' you lost or struggle to defeat those guys.That way everyone's on win.

Yea I agree,if they ban me,I'l get triggered.

Yea,I agree.That's opposite proportional

smaller damage<=>bigger fire rate

bigger damage<=>slower fire rate     

Basic math and logic.

Yea,acomplishable things with better reward the tougher the goal is to reach,why the f*ck not?


F*ck no,I'll pa..*figures out he bumped this too* Well sh*t.*pokerface*