Your requests by status


add the necromancer class. raising dead, casting spells, cool new abilitys

werewolf 8 years ago updated 8 years ago 2

add mercenaries you can hire for points

werewolf 8 years ago updated 8 years ago 4

an even BETA mode

werewolf 8 years ago 0

new weapons

werewolf 8 years ago updated by Brigadier General Skeero 8 years ago 7
Under review

messy starting screen

werewolf 8 years ago updated by Jaedong 8 years ago 6

Your loosing tons of players!

werewolf 8 years ago updated by WilderLord 8 years ago 1

description of weapon efects

werewolf 8 years ago updated 8 years ago 2

you should add a frost map with a frost gaint in the centre and wargs.

werewolf 8 years ago updated by WilderLord 8 years ago 1

making an acount using gmail would increase the amount of young players

werewolf 8 years ago updated by WilderLord 8 years ago 1