Your comments

Good question. My dream would be a game mode ala DOTA but that is hard to design because we don't have that many skills, hero progression and items which leaves us with question if it still would be fun without these.

Rope can hook both enemies and friends. I think it may make a fun mechanics with palisades by exe as in jump through the palisade with a spear and hook your friends into enemy camp.

The next addition which I have not revealed yet is potion of mirage and I think it's super funny. You can create a mirror of yourself and command three archers at once. Sure it's OP but I have seen the fun players had when they were able to challenge the legion of synchronsied archers I have spawned.

Fortunately I have read it here. I am not sure if it is intuitive enough. I can also increase the blocking arc for meele, leaving just a little hole if you are being hit clearly in the back

Sorry but my vision for this game is purely skill based - more like Unreal Tournament rather than any kind of grindable game where all you need is persistence. HOWEVER

It makes sense for a game mode limited with time - where all players have the same time to grind their stats, this is fair.

Haha cute, yes - I have writen this already somewhere that at some points there will be pet / companions in the game that will give small boosts.

I will be releasing two or three weapons at the same time.


As I have already explained it - pinging HOSTING have nothing to do with game servers. I have 32ms ping, and I am on a mobile internet. Maybe you have your cache disabled and it has to load all the graphics every time?

Batch is "more than one item at a time", it's a very common word in IT and google translates it correctly.

I have a database table that keeps all purchases for a month, although I hope the bug is fixed.